Saturday, February 17, 2007


Saturday night and a puzzle again. Yes, I am a nerd. Cathy and Jeff did not go to the condo and actually I am grateful. I attended a bikram class againg this morning - forgoing my usual vinyasa in order to get out early.

When I am in bikram it feels like a wierd psychotic gym class. You move in sync, there are pauses in between, but everything is pre-planned and I just don't like going to yoga to feel like a robot. On the other hand, I did feel so calm and positive last night, so I figured it must have opened something in my body.

This morning I realized how much I missed my vinyasa - the diversity and spiritual connection that is placed in every class. I missed seeing Cheryl. When I called on Vday to let her know I was going to be late, and if that was a problem I won't come - she said - This is Cheryl and I WANT you to come! For someone without a valentine, that rocked. :-) I missed doing Adho Mukha Svavasana (downward dog) and even Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (king pidgeon), a tricky but beautiful pose.

It was warmer today, I finished "The Island of the Secret Love Nun" by Christopher Moore. It was great and funny and I missed him.

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