Wednesday, April 25, 2007


This week has been really almost magical to me. On Sunday I did a double - Regina's class in the morning and Jeremy/Kate's in the afternoon. In Jeremy's class I felt so strong and flexible, it is amazing how much your body is warmed up by a class. I wasn't shaking or wobbling in any of the poses and I felt strong and grounded. Jeremy practiced beside me and I was honored that he chose to do this.

On Monday my arms were exhausted. Regina's class was difficult for me. She had us in turbo dog and was helping me by pressing my hands down and truly - one more second and I would have collapsed, but I did hold it longer than if she was not there and I feel good about that.

Last week she had talked about happiness - you want to be happy? Then be happy. Live your life and make your decisions with joy and love, not anger and fear. For whatever reason this clicked with me last night, it makes so much sense. My job can be tedious and dry, but if I look at it from a different perspective I can start to realign this way of thinking and start to live a richer life. I can sit at home and mope because my little friend hasn't called, or I can be thankful for having this time to myself and cuddle with my doggies. My choice.

Crystal studied with Andrey Lappa last weekend. She said he doesn't like his reputation for having a difficult practice because people are afraid to try it. With your mind-body-breath connection you can achieve anything, it just takes effort and focus - push yourself. If you are in bridge and just fine, move to wheel, if wheel is not that challenging - go further. So many people are used to just "hanging out" in poses, in life. I do that, I know I do and it is exciting to me to start trying harder, pushing myself.

I am so blessed and lucky to have found this studio and the wonderful instructors and owners.

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