Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Monday Monday

I'm realizing that I actually look forward to Monday's now because of Regina's class. She was awesome as usual, we started with abs, then moved straight to turbo dog. :-) I love getting into dolphin right after turbo dog, you feel so strong and light.

I'm getting a little better at half moon but it is still one of my most challenging. At least I can start to stack my hips without falling every two seconds. I just need to get steadier and start to look toward the ceiling. I'm trying to envision myself standing strong and steady in my poses and it has been helping a bit especially during the balancing poses.

We ended doing kind of a bound wheel, I cannot for the life of me remember the name, but you rest your forearms on the ground. It was tough, it hurt... but it felt good to know I could at least try it. My shoulders are still pinched in wheel and I need to just keep experimenting to find if I need to get a wider stance with my arms or bring them closer.

The intent of class was to start doing things out of joy. To be honest I am having the toughest time with that, it is horrible!! I think I am going through a transition again. At least now I am more mindful of what I am bringing to my life. I know it will change, I will make it change.

Regina was really inspiring. She told me that I did a great job and really welcomed me. It makes such a difference when you have that kind of kindness. I could probably meet more people (ahem, men) if I went to core or to samadhi, but I LOVE this studio and it is the first time that I am doing something really for me. I love that I am welcomed into the studio, I love the peacefulness, the sense of community when someone remembers you and notices your growth or maybe some days just notices that you needed to be there. I love that I don't have to worry about what I am wearing. I love all of the instructors. I've noticed that instructors from other studios come here to practice and I think that says it all.

This weekend I noticed I was much more confident meeting Matt. I was myself, a little goofy and not exactly balanced, but I felt more sure of myself than I have ever been before.

One other thing... We had really intense hip and shoulder openers, which I love, but when I got home I did cry a little. I don't know what happened or why, but at least it is out.

I am hoping to make Patrick's class tonight but I don't know if that is going to happen...

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