Friday, April 20, 2007

Off the Mat

Lately I have been needing to take my practice off the mat and eventually remembering to do so. There have been these ebbs and flows of calm and crazy and now it is evening out to a busy calm. When things are crazy I immerse myself fully in the practice, mind, body, spirit. When things are calm I have a tendency to let my mind wander and maybe not realize the entire connection. The problem is that calm can turn to crazy and when it does - your mind is not as settled as it could be.

This week shook me up a bit. Not in a Ben sort of way - the kind that turns your entire head and heart inside out, but more in a small hiccup way. I had to remind myself that I cannot control what happens in this world and I cannot hold on to things that are not a part of myself. Sometimes in a relationship I focus so intently on how the other person is reacting to me, that I don't actually see that other person.

Cheryl's class was empty the other day - only four of us. It was very intimate and quiet. She talked about how much the mind and body are connected. This is what we have, this mind, this body and this soul. We have everything we need for peace right inside of us. My psychic told me that I am constantly looking for answers outside and it is all to be found inside. This makes sense and she was right on the money in that observation.

Today my intention will be to live in peace and accept whatever God has in store for me. I know that I am blessed and I am lucky to be here, to learn whatever lesson I have set for myself.

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