Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Today was lovely. I am not being sarcastic in any way, it was a good day. The weather was beautiful, I had a wonderful bikram class, then I headed over to Vincent's house. I met him at Andrews a few weeks ago, he said he was in yoga teacher training and well... how cool. Not many men are in my classes and it was interesting to meet someone who took yoga seriously. He also does not exactly look the part, he looks like an Italian mob guy. :-)

I had a good time. I had another view of normal. He is Catholic, had crosses and saints on a bookshelf and had given up beef and pork for lent. He had a million books - Dean Koontz, wilderness, you name it. He had a picture of delicate arch and leads rafting tours in the summer. He has a beautiful huge dog named yeti who he obviously cares very much for. I had a good time.

Cathy and I are going to have breakfast at Lucilles on Saturday and that is the biggest thing in forever that I am looking forward too. I miss breakfast. Mike and I would go for breakfast, Benjamin and I would go for breakfast. I love going for breakfast but it not usually a meal that I crave. If dad is cooking sourdough pancakes or eggs hussard, that is a different story, but for the most part I just don't crave it. I would rather wait and treat myself to lunch or dinner when I am awake and have makeup on and am just out there.

For some reason lately I have had the biggest craving for breakfast ever. I want eggs and pancakes and biscuits and anything resembling morning food. I've had an english muffin at work but is not the same. There is something about going out for breakfast, for coffee, juice, fresh eggs. I don't know, but I miss it and having breakfast with Cathy made the most sense in the world. Her invitation came at a perfect time and is proof that there is something greater.

Godspeed to fresh jam, biscuits and eggs sardou or whatever sounds good at the time. :-)

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