Monday, March 5, 2007


Yesterday I had a three hour workshop on inversions with Cheryl and Lara. I felt a little off, maybe because I haven't been practicing as much last week, maybe my techni-colored toe, who knows, maybe because my life was so shaken up lately, but when I arrived and started I was not doing well.

Cheryl and Lara are amazing. Both watched and assisted when I was out of alignment (which was often). Both were gentle and encouraging and I left class feeling happy. Afterwards I went to get a burger at the Cherry Cricket, and once I sat down I realized how different I felt.

My body felt completely energized and tingly. I was full of light and joy and could feel the energy just pulsing through my body. The only other time I have felt this way is after my first bikram class.

The Secret was being shown at the studio and it was a very very good movie. It makes sense. I can see how I have been attracting the good and the bad in my life. I am going to start using the techniques and pray and meditate for strength and love. The movie was long and I started getting very antsy, I could still feel the energy and I wanted to leave, I wanted gelato, I wanted to move and flip up into a handstand. A man named Kevin led the class and it sounds like a good idea, but I think I am going to continue going to Jeremy's hour of power instead of the new class. I saw some friends leaving his class and I desperately wanted to be there.

Last night was a either the full moon or something very close to it and I felt it's strength. I meditated on all of the positive things that I want in my life, all of the changes, all of the beauty.

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