Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Last night I returned to yoga for Regina's class. This is becoming my favorite. It is always packed and I have stopped feeling irritated to feeling elated as the energy level is incredible.

Regina is tough. I hadn't been for a few days and I could tell the difference last night. One thing that I love is that she has been starting us in tough poses. We were in turbodog for about five years I believe, then she had us come to dolphin, a pose that HURTS about ten seconds in, but after turbodog it feels like you are maybe flying.

We worked on arm stands and mine were horrible last night. My partner kept pointing out that my elbows are flaring out, and they were. I don't know if it was an off night or if I do this all the time and have not paid attention to their placement.

Regina talked about spring and harnessing your energy, letting go of what you do not need. I almost feel asleep in shivasana for the first time, then left class feeling so much lighter.

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