Thursday, March 15, 2007


Mr. Vincent and I were texting and this is what happened:

V: just leaving apple store, i pod troubles

M: Ur kidding?? Never had problems w mine.

V: My first i pod, on short bus and must wear hockey helmet

He rocks.

In yoga news, I was doing lifted lotus and Cheryl yelled out - wow, good job Melissa. I had completely forgotten that I was never able to do that pose! Plus I am ace-of-basing bakasana (crow). Go core strength!!

Oh, thinking of selling the dogs again. Last night they were outside at 3am howling, because, really - who doesn't want to hear that?! 3am wake-up calls are super popular in my neighborhood. I will probably arrive home to gifts of flowers, wine, and gourmet food. I am so lucky to have two little dogs of wonder, protecting me against such horrors as squirrels and imaginery sounds! So lucky indeed.

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